There are a multitude of coding languages out there for example Java, C, Python, HTML5, and many more. There are hundreds of languages to program in, but each are used...
David Weintrop of the University of Chicago, as well as Uri Wilensky of Northwestern University created a study that looked at the differences between text based and block based coding...
Hydraulics is the use of liquids and their properties to complete certain tasks. Hydraulics are used in many cars and industrial equipment. Hydraulics is used in some cars to move...
Booker T Washington once said, “I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles...
Pnuematics is the use of gasses to complete tasks. These tasks can include moving something or changing the angle of something. Pneumatics is often used in industrial work. This work...
When I talk about levels in coding i’m not talking about proficiency levels in writing programs, i’m talking about where the language is used. Let’s take Assembly for example, it...